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Uß de Wikipedia

February 27, 2007

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Articles with more than 10 external links as of February 27, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Article ID Article
55 1 Houpsick
44 6399 Houpsigk/Allfabeet
30 139961 Medmaacher:Tiyoringo
17 124178 Wuppertaler Schwebebahn
15 9258 Theodor Storm
15 9259 Thomas Paine
14 12995 Langefääl
13 10446 Pooz:Rhingland
13 10546 De Simsens
12 10295 Pooz:Weßßeschaaf & Teschnigk
12 10425 Relativitätstheorie
11 12704 Düsseldorf-Vennhausen
10 8510 Rhingland-Pallz
10 10484 Houpsigk/Wikimedia4
SELECT COUNT(el_from) AS total, el_from, page_title
FROM externallinks, page
WHERE externallinks.el_from = page_id AND page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY el_from
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Sites linked more than 10 times as of February 27, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Link count Site
4391 http://ksh.wikipedia.org
152 http://www.koelnerkarneval.de
40 http://www.iana.org
30 http://www.nba.com
21 http://dispatch.opac.ddb.de
16 http://de.wikipedia.org
16 http://www.nikuta.de
12 http://www.stadt-koeln.de
SELECT COUNT(el_to) AS total, SUBSTRING_INDEX(el_to, '/', 3) AS search
FROM externallinks, page
WHERE page_id = el_from AND page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY search

Additional information

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Some more information about this dump:

  • 6011 articles that are in the main space and not redirects
  • 134765 articles and redirects in the main space
  • 137747 pages in all namespaces
  • 128953 redirects in all namespaces
  • 26131 external links in every namespace
  • 5316 external links in the main space

Very probable spambot pages

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If index.php is found in a page title, it is very likely the article talk page has been created by a spambot. These pages should be deleted and protected if possible.

Article ID Article

Possible spambot pages

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Possible pages created by spambots ending with /.

Article ID Article
6398 Houpsigk/
12251 Pooz:Eßße & Drinke/
12253 Pooz:Kulltur/
12252 Pooz:Rhingland/
11828 Pooz:Weßßeschaaf & Teschnigk/
13292 Wenker Säz/
13048 User talk:Purodha/
SELECT page_id, page_title, page_namespace
FROM page
WHERE page_title LIKE '%index.php%' OR page_title LIKE '%/wiki/%' OR page_title LIKE '%/w/%' OR page_title LIKE '%/';