Wikipedia:Ingerfäjß/MessagesEn suggested ammendments.php
Dat hee sinn Äjännzunge, di mer fö en de Englishe MessagesEn.php füürschlaare.
<? # Collection of MediaWiki:-Pages that could or should link to some explanatory page. # Page names need to be taken from the project context, not from the current language. # # Compiled by Purodha [[:w:ksh:User:Purodha]] based on [[:w:ksh:]] MediaWiki cotents. # # New proposals are marked with e.g.: MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop # Existing ones are kept as they are, e.g. as: {{ns:project}}:Administrators {{ns:help}}:Contents {{int:mainpage}} etc. 'tog-watchlisthidebots' => 'Hide [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-bot|bot]] edits from the watchlist', 'missingarticle' => ' The database did not find the text of a page that it should have found, named "$1". This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a page that has been deleted. If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software. Please report this to an [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrator]], making note of the URL.', 'blockedtext' => "<big>'''Your user name or IP address has been blocked.'''</big> The block was made by $1. The reason given is ''$2''. You can contact $1 or another [[{{ns:project}}:Administrators|administrator]] to discuss the block. You cannot use the 'email this user' feature unless a valid email address is specified in your [[Special:Preferences|account preferences]]. Your current IP address is $3. Please include this in any queries.", 'newarticletext' => "You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet. To create the page, start typing in the box below (see the [[{{ns:help}}:Contents|help page]] for more info). If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's '''back''' button.", 'protectedpagewarning' => "<strong>WARNING: This page has been locked so that only users with [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|sysop privileges]] can edit it.</strong>", 'rev-deleted-text-view' => '<div class="mw-warning plainlinks"> This page revision has been removed from the public archives. As an [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrator]] on this site you can view it; there may be details in the [{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log]. </div>', 'math_image_error' => 'PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert; if that does not say anything to you, or you cannot access installation files, let an [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrator]] know of the problem', 'math_bad_tmpdir' => 'Can\'t write to or create math temp directory; if that does not say anything to you, or you cannot access installation files, let an [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrator]] know of the problem', 'math_bad_output' => 'Can\'t write to or create math output directory. If that does not say anything to you, or you cannot access installation files, let an [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrator]] know of the problem', 'math_notexvc' => 'Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure. If that does not say anything to you, or you cannot fix it yourself, let an [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrator]] know of the problem', 'userstatstext' => "There are '''$1''' registered users, of which '''$2''' (or '''$4%''') are [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrators]].", // obsoletes: "(see $3).", 'enotif_body' => 'Dear $WATCHINGUSERNAME, the {{SITENAME}} page $PAGETITLE has been $CHANGEDORCREATED on $PAGEEDITDATE by $PAGEEDITOR, see $PAGETITLE_URL for the current version. $NEWPAGE Editor\'s summary: $PAGESUMMARY $PAGEMINOREDIT Contact the editor: mail: $PAGEEDITOR_EMAIL wiki: $PAGEEDITOR_WIKI There will be no other notifications in case of further changes unless you visit this page. You could also reset the notification flags for all your watched pages on your watchlist. Your friendly {{SITENAME}} notification system -- To change your watchlist settings, visit {{fullurl:{{ns:special}}:Watchlist/edit}} Feedback and further assistance: {{fullurl:{{ns:help}}:Contents}}', 'undeletehistory' => 'If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history. If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored revisions will appear in the prior history, and the current revision of the live page will not be automatically replaced.', 'undeletehistorynoadmin' => 'This article has been deleted. The reason for deletion is shown in the summary below, along with details of the users who had edited this page before deletion. The actual text of these deleted revisions is only available to [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrators]].', 'blocklogtext' => 'This is a log of [[MSG:MediaWiki:blockingpolicy|user blocking]] and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not listed. See the [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] for the list of currently operational bans and blocks.', 'makesysoptext' => 'This form is used by [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-bureaucrat|bureaucrats]] to turn ordinary users into [[MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|administrators]]. Type the name of the user in the box and press the button to make the user an administrator.', 'rightslogtext' => 'This is a log of changes to user rights. See pages on [[÷:MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-user|users]], [[÷:MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop|admins]], [[÷:MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-bureaucrat|bureaucrats]], [[÷:MSG:MediaWiki:grouppage-steward|stewards]].', 'exporttext' => 'You can export the text and editing history of a particular page or set of pages wrapped in some XML. This can be imported into another wiki using MediaWiki via the Special:Import page. To export pages, enter the titles in the text box below, one title per line, and select whether you want the current version as well as all old versions, with the page history lines, or just the current version with the info about the last edit. In the latter case you can also use a link, e.g. [[{{ns:Special}}:Export/{{int:mainpage}}]] for the page {{int:mainpage}}.', 'exportcuronly' => 'Include only the current revision, not the full history', 'exportnohistory' => "---- '''Note:''' Exporting the full history of pages through this form has been disabled due to performance reasons.", ?> |