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Uß de Wikipedia
Shproache Wesse
sco-0 This user disna ken hou tae spaek Scots.
sco-1 This uiser can contreibute wi a laich level o Scots.
sco-2 This uiser can contreibute wi a middlin level o Scots.
sco-3 This uiser can contreibute wi a heich level o Scots.
sco-4 This uiser's the stang o the trump whan it comes tae contreebutin in Scots.
sco This uiser haes Scots as a mither tung.
Medmaacher ier shproachen

Schottėsh  —  Scots

Dat hee sinn de Etikättshe, met dänne künne Medmaacher saare, wi jood se de Shproach Schottėsh künne.

Dä Sproach_Koodt noh dä ISO 639 eß:  sco.

Wat di Nümmoshe bedügge, kam_mer noalässe op dä Sigk:  Wikipedia:Babel#Nummere.

Wi_mer_t aanwänndt, un all_di Kodes fun de Sproache fingk_mer op dä Sigk:  Wikipedia:Babel.

Medmaacher met beshtemmpte sproache fingk_mer övver di Sigk met:  Medmaacher ier shproachen.

Fun hee kumme de Date un Tëxte övver Schottėsh.
